How We Can Change Real Estate for the BETTER!
Oct 31, 2022We need to talk about the future of real estate agents.
Because honestly . . . If we keep up the way we’ve been going…I’m not sure we'll survive. (Jesus, I know! Like we need more doom and gloom, but hear me out.)
You might think I’m being dramatic, but I’m being 100% serious. I know that other agents see the problems in our industry too, because of the things agents are posting on social media.
But here’s where I think a lot of agents go wrong. They fail to realize something incredibly important. It’s not agents against each other.
Our entire INDUSTRY is under threat.
Real estate agents, as a whole, do not have a future unless collectively we decide to undergo a transformation.
If we don’t seriously get our act together, the future of real estate agents looks GRIM. We could ALL be out of a job if we decide we’re not ready for this industry to change.
Stop Bashing Other Agents On Social Media
You're probably thinking, "who does this?" Well, I'm not talking posting, I'm referring to those comments you see - like on The Real Deal and in Facebook communities. The reality is, people are focusing their attention on the wrong targets.
I understand the temptation to bash other agents.
Do I agree that the barrier to entry in our industry is too low?
Yes. (I've been talking about this for over a decade!)
Do I think it should be harder to obtain a real estate license?
Also yes.
Do I think it’s terribly unfair that the agents who run incredibly professional businesses get lumped together with sleazy, or just plain unknowledgeable agents?
1000%, YES!!!
But do I think the solution is to log on to Facebook or Instagram and write a nasty post bashing other agents?
Not even in the slightest.
By doing that, it makes agents as a whole look bad.
And despite what you think, it *doesn’t* make you look better.
Other Agents Aren’t Your Competition
We are fighting an entirely different battle than the people who were in this industry 20 years ago.
It’s a battle of survival.
Other agents aren’t your competition…Zillow is.
Sure, they might be your competition locally.
But what’s truly important is that we’re elevating this industry as a whole. We’re showing up as true professionals and leaders in our community. We run our businesses with tact and integrity.
Because if we don’t? The future of real estate is Zillow.
It’s going to be an iBuyer system, or some tech company that comes in and wipes us all out.
The entire reason why I’m so passionate about my mission at Biz Ops in a Box is because I want to keep this industry alive.
I want my fellow agents to stay in business.
What You Post Online Matters
It’s easy to rapid-fire off a post criticizing other agents without thinking about its true impact.
Because it doesn’t just impact you.
It impacts everyone.
It impacts all the other agents who are in your community.
And it impacts the public perception of what a realtor is, and the value that we provide.
Think about it like this.
If you influence even just three people in your lifetime to think that agents are not valuable, think about the ripple effect that it could have.
If we don’t do better and elevate our public image, we’re simply not going to be around.
And what happens to every single person who dreams of passing their real estate business down to their child, cousin, or younger sibling?
They won’t be able to do that. If we continue to degrade the industry, we’re robbing ourselves of the chance to leave a legacy.
Don’t post without considering the true impact of your words.
Real Estate Agents And Perceived Trustworthiness
If we want the future of real estate agents to live on…we HAVE to work to boost our image in the public eye - as a collective.
There have been studies done with the general public about perceived trust and integrity.
And sadly, we pretty much came out last (except for used car salesmen).
Tempting as it is to blame others, this is not the public’s fault.
It’s our fault.
We are not marketing our businesses with integrity.
We are selling scarcity and manipulation.
We’re plastering our faces over billboards and buses rather than providing any real value to potential clients.
We MUST do better.
3 Steps To Protect The Future Of Real Estate Agents
So how can we make sure that as real estate agents, we don’t become obsolete? Here are a few simple places we can start.
Step 1: Be Kind To Other Agents
The first step to elevating our industry is to stop trash-talking each other.
As I said above, I’ve seen it in so many real estate Facebook groups and on IG comment threads.
In other Facebook groups, I’ve seen newer agents ask a question and just get absolutely destroyed in the comments.
They get called stupid and get made fun of.
This is not how we collectively level up as an industry.
If you’re an experienced agent, don’t throw it in other people’s faces and make them feel bad for not knowing the things you do.
Instead, SUPPORT your fellow agents.
Prioritize mentorship and leadership.
That is how we grow, together.
Step 2: Elevate Your Marketing
Instead of prioritizing posts that get a few laughs from other agents, it’s time to start marketing in a way that gives true value to your audience.
- Not cold-calling
- Not posting “just listed, just sold” posts
- Not posting generic Canva graphics with quotes like “A referral is the best compliment you can give!”
For those that work with me, you know what I say, do NOT reach out unless you have VALUE to bring. As the saying goes, "The more you bother people, the more irrelevant you become."
Providing VALUE is NOT bothering people. Don't get it twisted!
I’m SURE you’ve been at a party, or a networking event, and someone introduces you as a realtor. And almost immediately, you can feel the other person sort of pull away.
So why does that happen?
Because people assume we’re going to be sleazy. They assume we’re going to slip a card into their hand.
If we want to be respected, we need to prioritize relationship marketing.
Serve before you sell.
Post real estate content for social media that actually solves problems for your ideal clients.
Adopt a give-first mentality, and watch as your business flourishes. (and if you need help with this, stay tuned bc we have something exciting coming SOON!)
Step 3: Get 1% Better Every Day
If you want this industry to be around for the long haul…you HAVE to commit to doing better.
No more discounting your services, doing the bare minimum, or thinking you’re owed clients just because you have a license.
We can no longer rest on our laurels.
We can’t keep doing things the way we’ve always done things and expect to succeed.
Are you willing to innovate?
Are you willing to invest in mentorship and support to elevate your services and your business?
Are you working on your business every single day to make it better and more valuable?
This is the work that is needed to safeguard the future of real estate agents.
Are you willing to do it?
If so, DM me on Instagram and let me know how I can help support you being a part of the SOLUTION!